Tuesday, 3 March 2009

2009 Expedition

OK so after a bit of planning we are starting to get ready for the "2009 Great Wyrley Old Boys Mountaineering & Pissup Club Annual Expedition".

This year the venue will be sunny Yorkshire and there will be no vans, no driving 1000's of miles, no deer to hit and much more beer.

We are planning to do the Yorkshire 3 peaks (Pen-y-ghent, Whernside & Inglebrook). Some details on the route can be found at http://www.3peakswalks.co.uk/ or on wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorkshire_three_peaks

It is supposed to be completed in 12 hours but that might depend on how many pubs we stop at.

The accommodation is booked. We are staying at Dub-Cote Bunkhouse Barn, Horton in Ribblesdale (http://www.yorkshirenet.co.uk/ydales/bunkbarns/hortoninr/index.htm) and it's all booked up for the 10th & 11th July.

We will be doing the 3 peaks walk itself on the 11th but some of us might get up there early on the 10th for a bit of practice (well we need to find where the pubs are!).

The barn sleeps 14 and the team is starting to take shape already. It's based on last years gallant heroes plus some new blood to keep the youth policy going.

So far we have

Rob Caddick
Paul Broadhurst
Chris Jackson
Tom Hodson + some mate
Mick Bride + 2 mates
Tony Caddick (maybe if rob actually talks to his brother and asks him)
Chris Stanaway
Mark Broadhurst

Anyway I will keep everyone posted on the team as it shapes up. Hopefully we will get the full 14. Getting me your £20 deposit is the only way guarantee your place although buying me some beer getting me drunk and then swearing blind you gave me the money is another option.

On a serious note I would like to just pass my condolenses on to Mark who's father passed away suddenly recently. I hope he'll still be able to join us in Yorkshire.

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