Thursday, 16 September 2010

Completed the Robin Hood Half

Well I completed the Robin Hood Half Marathon in 1:45:48. Which I was quite pleased with for a first effort. Paul also beat 2 hrs.

Thanks to everyone who sponsored us as we raised over £500 and with another £500 from Siemens Enterprise Communications that means more than a £1000 to cancer research. Thanks again to everyone for their support.

Here are a couple of photos of Paul and I once we had finished the race having a well deserved pint.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Sponsor Me

The Robinhood Half Marathon is coming up this Sunday (12th September) and I am running it to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

I'm actually also running it to lose weight and prove that I am not such a old fart and can beat Paul Maddison despite him being 15 years younger than me.

But anyway if you want to please feel free to sponsor me and donate to Cancer research @